Tag Archives: surgery

What I Have Learned During My 10 Days Of Speaking Vacay


Headed in for surgery

Well let’s see how to cliff note this…. About 7 years ago I started losing my voice and ventured with my girlfriend Louisa to see Dr. Willy, no I’m not even kidding with that name and yes I should have known better.  Long story short he told me I had a callus on my vocal cords from my “vivacious” personality.  When I asked him what I should do to fix it he replied, “Change your personality and come back and see me in a month” {no I am not joking!  If Louisa wasn’t there I don’t think anybody would have believed a board certified specialist told me that}.

Fast forward to 2012/3013, here I am living in Charlotte and losing my voice once a month, then once every couple weeks and eventually once a week.  Back to the ENT I went.  This doctor was a little more realistic, although his solution had me in tears from laughter.  I was headed to the Swallow Center {yes people that is an actual place} for vocal lessons. Skip ahead another year and another specialist and under the knife I went.  Tonsils out and callus removed from my vocal cords.  This has me in so much pain {I kid you not, if feels like I swallowed a box of razor blades & the pain meds are pretty much null & void at this point and it’s been 9 days since surgery} I am also unable to speak for 10+ days.   Umm anybody that knows me knows this is a true test.

This has been a real life saver, thanks Niki!  Along with my cute notebook from Abby

This dry erase board has been a real life saver, thanks Niki! Along with my cute notebook from Abby

Here are a few things I, chatty Cathy with the gift of gab, have learned during my 10+ day vocal vacay & surgery experience:

I am not an introvert: I’m not sure that this was ever questioned by anybody, EVER but this little surgical venture has sealed the deal on that.

People tend to think since I can’t speak that they can’t either: Seriously! I start writing on my dry erase board to tell them what I want & they whisper back…. my hearing works just fine.  They also tend to write back on the dry erase board, while this is sweet and all, this is taking both of us double the time it should to communicate.  It cracks me up every time.

My friends think they are comedians: Now I think my friends are funny and all, but they think they are HILARIOUS!  Who am I to judge?  I think I’m hilarious too and they always say “birds of a feather”.  A couple guy friends came over to drink wine {in front of me, just plain cruel… ohhh wine I miss thee} and I look over to see Robert playing jeopardy with “my voice “. My friend Ben has now convinced himself {and kind of me} that I am coming back with a British accent {fingers crossed}.



Not speaking truly does test your (and others) temper level: There is nothing more frustrating than wanting to speak or trying to communicate and the other person has no clue what you are trying to say. I can tell you FOR SURE NOT to pick me as a charades partner. I am awful! Trying to tell my poor dad where to drive with sign language proved to be quite a task.

I have chicken scratch for handwriting: I always thought my little loops and fun writing was cute… cute is may be, legible it is NOT!

Dreaded Day 7: If you have had your tonsils removed in your adult years they warn you about the dreaded “day 7” after surgery… Ohhhh Maahhhh Gosh! It is worse than day one, this day will test your pain level.  I am now 9 days out from surgery and it still feels I am swallowing broken glass with just a sip of water.  These blogs and such that have people saying they were eat toast…. umm not even nice soft bread but hard scratchy toast?! There is no way!  I keep hearing I will be so happy in the years to come so we shall see.

I AM STARVING!  There is officially no way I could ever be rexi! I have been on a chicken broth and sugar free pudding diet for 8 days and I. AM. STARVING!! We have passed the “hangry” stage and I am now staying indoors for everybody’s own safety!

I have the world’s most amazing friends &family!!: While I already knew this, I have been humbled by everybody reaching out while I have been out of sorts.  My best girlfriend Niki sent me 10 days of presents to open each day.  She thought of any & everything!  Abby, Robert and Greg are the only ones I’ve let stop by and they’ve been amazing to just sit and watch a movie and hang out.   No words can explain how thankful I am to my Daddio who came and took care of me the whole time!  Thank you for being patient.

Thank you so much for all the sweet cards, texts, gifts & emails.  I can’t explain how amazing each was to get.  It helped cheer me up during my recovery time! I still can’t talk and they said 3-4 more days of pain so fingers crossed we are in the home stretch.

A million thanks yous!

A million thanks yous!

Until next time…
