Tag Archives: roasted veggies

Fresh Roasted Veggies…. Easy Peasy!


Easy Roasted Veggies

After all of the junk I consumed on Sunday while watching the Super Bowl, veggies were a MUST last night!!  I’m not even kidding, I ate enough to feed a small country.  So Monday was back to the gym and healthy eating.  This is the easiest and healthiest recipe EVER and perfect to be the side dish to any meal.

Easy Peasy Roasted Veggies

1 Red Onion

6-8 Red Potatoes

1 Zuchinni

1 Squash

1 Container of Whole Mushrooms

Olive Oil

21 Seasoning Salute



Minced Garlic

Preheat the oven to 375.  Wash your veggies and cut them up, I cut the onions in larger sliced, don’t dice and the potatoes in quarters.  Put the veggies in a bowl and drizzle olive oil over lightly, just enough to coat them.  Add your seasonings and garlic to taste and toss around.  Spread the veggies on a cooking tray evenly and place in the oven for 15 minutes then take them out and mix them around to cook the other side and cook for an additional 10 minutes.  Easy as that!

Roasted Veggie Seasoning Minus the Salt
