Tag Archives: Atlanta

Let’s catch up to speed… A crazy 2013 in review


So I’ve mostly blogged a couple of recipes & a few fashion blogs.  A whole world of experiences have taken place in between those blogs.  Now let’s see how short I can keep this.

This year has turned out to be THE year of travel & weddings, both of which I LOVE! I started out in NYC with two of my best friends (one of which lives there so we take full advantage of visiting her when we can).  May had me traveling all across the east coast & most weekends I wasn’t sure which dress I was suppose to be wearing.  The first weekend of May I hosted my Alzheimer’s fundraiser BVB (Blondes vs Brunettes~ a powder-puff football game) before heading off for my wedding tour of 2013.


Now the east coast travel begins … First stop, Pawley’s Island to be MOH in my best friend’s wedding.  Cakes & I have known each other since we were 13 and it was such an honor to stand beside her as she married her one and only {Mr Cuddles as she refers to him in her blog~http://khoehmen.blogspot.com/  }  It was BEAUTIFUL!


Two of my oldest friends, Kort and Channy at Katie Cakes wedding

So great to see all of my oldest friends from elementary school, middle school & HS.  I missed my 10 yr reunion because I was in Charlotte opening my store so I got to see everybody I wanted to this weekend & the wedding the following weekend.   After the brunch on Sunday I drove down to Charleston to see my dad & relax for a night;  This was also due to a broken phone & I only knew how to drive to Charleston from Pawley’s & not the back woods way I came from Charlotte (details details).  Then Monday back to the Queen City (Charlotte) for just a few days before jumping back in the car and heading to Atlanta (exhausted yet?)

Off to ATL… home sweet home.  It was great to see my momma & spend some time there, then it was time to see my best guy friend since I was 1 1/2 get hitched to the cutest girl! Now, as mentioned earlier, this was also the second half of the “high school” reunion I missed, it was like none of us skipped a beat.  Two weeks, two weddings with childhood friends and endless laughs and stories.


Me & the handsome groom Jojo. From playing together in diapers to watching him walk down the aisle.. it has been a hell of a ride

Sunday it was a little R & R with momma then back to the Queen City again for just a few days.  Side note: Do you see why I don’t know what I am suppose to be wearing or where to have my mail forwarded?  Woaza….. I digress. Next stop on the tour, putting my MOH tiara back on & headed to Pinehurst, NC.

Now this is the grand finale for the wedding tour (for the first part of the year) & we sure did go out with a BANG! I truly could do a full bio on each wedding & all of the shenanigans but I will cliff note each and spare you.

This wedding has been 10 years in the making.  This is where my best friend, my unbiological sister & other half gets married!!  Niki & Kyle have been together for 10 years but have known each other since they were like 5ish.  This is the laid back southern couple that knows how to throw down…. i.e. the groomsmen cleared a couple of mason jars of shine the day of the wedding…

Please take note of the groomsmen hahaha

I knew going into it I would be an emotional mess but man I even surprised myself with the tears.  I got to stand beside my best friend AND one of my best guy friends as they said “I Do”.  We drank, we danced & truly just celebrated.

The beautiful Niki & KB

Me & KB (the groom) He knew he was getting a second wife when he said I Do to Niki

Sunday I dragged myself to the car and finally headed back to the Queen City to get my life back together get back to my “normal” routine.

I had a nice little breather before flying the friendly skies to my next destination.  Keeping with my birthday tradition of fleeing town, it was off to DC for a late bday celebration & to celebrate the 4th (you can’t get any more American than celebrating the 4th in DC by the way).  I closed the store for half the week because of the holiday & headed to see my sissy & best friend (Cakes from the first wedding mentioned) & Kort (pictured in first wedding pic) met us there as well.  We did everything American you could think of… Nationals baseball game, cookout, shop & watch the fireworks on a rooftop.  It was perfect!

Rooftop on the Hill, fireworks & good friends

Have I lost any and everybody that was reading this?  Long-winded much?! I promise the following ones will be one “event coverage” at a time but wanted to get up to speed for 2013.  I’m off to pack my bags again.  NYC next week to celebrate one of my favorite people being born  🙂 then Charleston the following weekend to celebrate my beautiful friend Jules’ upcoming nuptials.  Until next time….